Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Quest for Popularity

Why on earth do you want to be popular?

Being ‘popular’ is a state of mind. More precisely, it is your enslavement to society. You become a slave, seeking out methods that society demands from you, in order to receive their positive opinion and behavior towards yourself. You work for them, day by day, fulfilling their expectations. And in return you get what, money?  No. Free food?  Doesn’t look like it. What then?  ..WHAT??  Social status?... What a rip off. I don’t wanna be a slave.  F*** that.
It is unbelievable what lengths one can go to, to become popular, without understanding that this desire to become popular has no actual material advantage. You will be “positively looked upon”  by .. whom? Morons who learned how to dress according to society’s expectations, and who have perfected the art of empty conversations,  mastered stupidity at its most profound, and incredible wisdom of being useless?  Do you really have nothing more interesting to do with your free time?

Some reasons why kids want to be popular:

 I. To gain attention of the opposite sex.  
This is entirely irrelevant. There are foolproof methods of gaining 100% attention of boys or girls –  whatever rocks your boat. Those methods have nothing to do with being popular.  You can read about those methods in my other post. 
II.   Not to be bullied.
There are a hundred better methods for that.  When you are walking down the street at night and some robber attacks you , do you think he will give a rat’s ass if you are popular or not?  You can defend yourself in other ways. Go and learn some Krav Maga, or any other form of martial art. You will gain respect, co-ordination, peace, and learn a lot of interesting things about life.
III.  To gain respect/power.
If that is what you want, you could start your own business.  You could learn a set of skills that nobody else has, and use them to manipulate society to gain power.  A word of warning – the desire of power for egoistical reasons leads to corruption, greed and self-destruction. You may seek to gain power to help other people, for example, for that you might  begin to understand by now that popularity is irrelevant.
IV.  To get friends.
And what kind of ‘friends’ will you get if you are popular? 300 hundred ‘friendship requests’ on facebook? Once again, let us review what you will achieve by that. Health? No. Free food? No. Money? No. Interesting way of spending your time? Definitely not. Self-growth? More like degeneration of humanity and intelligence.
People who seek popularity are boring. They have no interests, no ideas, no dreams. Why would you want to spend your time with these people in a mad rat race of who is more popular? Why do you want to swim in a lake of betrayal, gossip, self-deceit, lies, stupidity, superficiality and self-destruction?
Friends are people who you have common interests with. Friends are people who are attracted to you, because you have some specific qualities, or skills, which they would also like to have, or already have and enjoy sharing them with you. Those people don’t care about your popularity status. In fact, those people are most likely to stay away from you if you waste your time on such useless activities.
V.   To get social acceptance – to be with the "IN" crowd
In other words, you want to be a sheep, to join the herd of sheep heading for slaughter. Here the key factor is fear. The fear of not being accepted by idiots who rule the Idiot Kingdom.  The fear of negative opinion about oneself by retards who believe that being “cool” means drinking and taking drugs, and clubbing. Who know no other life. And that is exactly what you achieve by fitting yourself to the “in crowd”. Make your choice.
VI.  Popularity = self worth,  for some
This statement seems to reason that, your self-worth is measured by what people think of you. People can think whatever they want. Just because they think you are cool, doesn’t make you worth anything. A popular person can be in reality completely worthless as a human being.
Figure out what you want to do with your life, what are your dreams and goals, and use the scale of your own activity to determine your self-worth. [ Example:  You want to be a famous movie director. What have you done today? Shot anything on your camera? No. Read any literature on cinematography?  No. Made a list of what makes a movie good? Yes.  Current self-worth:  0.5/10. That is already something. ]
VII.  You want to be attractive, clever, witty, stylish and nice.
Being attractive means first of all being healthy. Do some activity – go hiking, ride your bicycle, go swimming, play tennis, join the gym. Great body guaranteed. Clever? Read books for starters. Not bullshit magazines like Cosmopolitan – real books, that contain interesting material. Whatever sphere interests you – whether it may be art, music, psychology,  whatever it is that makes you feel good.
Stylish? I’ve seen fashion shows of hottest designers live. These models, strutted down the catwalk wearing what looked like a cross between a potato sack and plastic used to line construction sites. I’ve seen models wearing carpets and curtains, priced at thousands of euros. Crazy shit.  Fashion is what makes you look good – not what people say is fashionable. People talk a lot.
If you want to be stylish – find materials which make you feel comfortable, and choose colours which make you feel energized. Spending a lot of money on clothes is insane. Dress how you like to see yourself – and there you go. You are stylish.
VIII.  To attract attention.
If you want attention, make yourself worth something. If you have a talent in arts, music or literature, then work on it. Success doesn’t come by itself. Sitting on your ass and making plans to gain popularity by wasting your money on clothes, makeup, car, or whatever it is you people try to do, will not get you anywhere. You are just wasting your time. Go read some books. Join some sports.
In extreme measures if you REALLY want attention, turn up at school wearing pyjamas.  Dye your hair blue,  walk on all fours and start barking. Attention guaranteed. 

Still want to be popular?